Caden Clifford

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected me and with my new-found boredom I discovered my love for photography. The isolation and stillness of the world created a space for my creativity, leading to a deep appreciation for the art of photography. I'm currently Influenced by photographers like Dorothea Lange, Ansel Adams, Steve McCurry, and Henri Cartier-Bresson. I've learned the power of raw emotions, the connection between nature and photography, and the importance of the "decisive moment." Photography is not just about technical aspects but about seeing the world with your own perspective, finding and preserving the extraordinary in the ordinary, and telling stories that might otherwise go untold. Photography has become more than just a hobby for me; it is my way of seeing the world around me and expressing myself.

Lambert (Light of the Land)

With this project I wanted to document my uncle at work on his farm, because each time I worked with him I would want to hear more and more of his stories about the people, history, the land and even my own family. I've learned to appreciate the hard and honest work he does all year around, with no breaks, by experiencing it first hand. With respect for my uncle and his privacy I took these photos around his farm, trying to capture a sense of him and his work.



