Gerry Savage

I am a mature student with a passion for street photography. Capturing momentary views is my way of showing the life of the city as it drifts by me. The people who are influencing me at the moment, each with their own unique style, are Garry Winogrand, Helen Levitt, and Joel Meyerowitz, with a little bit of Martin Parr as well.

Dublin 'Saunter'

Dublin City as seen through a lens while capturing life as it passes by.

The project revisits the type of photography that first made me pick up a camera. Street photography really appeals to me as it involves observing people in the midst of their daily lives.

I have tried to capture an up-to-date version of Dublin City as the multi-cultural society that it has become since the days of Arthur Fields, famously known as 'Man on the Bridge', who took his first pictures back in the 1930s.


SNUG Times

The aim of this project was to capture the individuals who form a group of ukulele players, highlighting their love for music and the instrument they play.



