Caleb Daly

My main interests are in landscape and architectural photography, but I am open to a wide range of approaches. I draw my inspiration from photographers like Ansel Adams and John Pfahl. In my most recent project, I explore the confinements and boundaries of the current lockdown restrictions surrounding COVID-19. This work was influenced by photographers such as Alvaro Ybarra Zabala and Won Kim. After I graduate I hope to travel the world for a while and see where my camera takes me.

Social Solitude

Given the surreal circumstances that we have to deal with during the lockdown, I felt I needed to highlight the perimeters of the space I was confined to. Shooting in my house, and within the the 2km radius in which we are allowed to travel, I focused on boundary lines and obstacles, reflecting the imposed boundaries that kept me from living my normal life.


State Of Mind

This project is a representation of mental health disorders. Using regular everyday items, I tried to try to give them deeper meaning and make them act as metaphorical objects. My goal was to create images that had to be viewed in a more considered way, and given more room for thought. I did not want to shoot objects that would have a direct connection with mental health issues.

